DMing Basics: 10 Essential Tips for New DMs

You did it! You made the decision, or accepted the appointment, to take up the Dungeon Master’s seat for a group of friends, strangers, countrymen. That’s a huge step. Now, the moment of truth is nigh, and you find yourself standing at the precipice of uncertainty. Fear not, fellow New DM! You are not alone in this perilous journey. As a fresh-faced dungeon master myself, I welcome you to a world that is about to become a whirlwind of excitement, adventure, and yes, a touch of chaos. 

Now, I've gathered some invaluable tips to help you kickstart your campaign and feel a tad more prepared for that nerve-racking first session. But let me be honest with you right from the start – no matter how much you prepare, you'll never feel completely ready, and that's perfectly okay. Time for a quick dungeon dive.

1. Take a look, It’s in a Book: Unleash the power of the Dungeon Master's Guide. I know, I know, obvious, right? But, it is the holy book of DMing, filled with the sacred knowledge you'll need to conquer your role. Get the book, read it. You literally cannot DM without this. A solid grasp of the rules will boost your confidence, improve your game, and make it more enjoyable for everyone involved from the get-go. And while you’re at it, make sure and read the Player’s Handbook, as it may be even more difficult to run a game without having more than a cursory knowledge of the wisdom it holds.

2. Learn From The Pros: Living in the Age of Podcasts.  While reading the DMG (and PHB) is crucial, it's equally important to seek inspiration and guidance from experienced DMs. One of the best ways to do this is by tuning in to actual play podcasts. They provide valuable insights into game mechanics and storytelling. Plus, you'll be treated to incredible stories that rival the best books, comics, and movies out there.

There are countless lists out there for best actual play podcasts, but I’ll include a few suggestions here in my particular order (you can read my further thoughts on them, and more, in this post): Not Another D&D Podcast, Dimension 20, Worlds Beyond Number, and The Adventure Zone.

3. Choose Your Adventure: Homebrewed or Prebrewed? Before diving headlong into your planning, make an important decision: Do you want to create a homebrewed campaign from scratch or run a pre-made adventure? This choice sets the tone for your DMing journey. If you're drawn to the opportunity of unleashing your creativity and improvisation skills, then crafting your own world may be the way to go. On the other hand, if you're a first-time DM looking to learn the system and ease into the game, a pre-made adventure can provide a solid foundation.

For those venturing into the realm of homebrewed campaigns, I'll share advice tailored to your path. However, if you choose a pre-made adventure, here's one vital tip: read it before running it. Familiarize yourself with the adventure's chapters or sections to ensure seamless and effective campaign management. If you're curious, I’ll have some top recommendations for pre-made adventures and modules coming up in a future post.

4. Setting the Stage: Choose Your World. Now that you've absorbed the knowledge from the DMG, gathered inspiration from seasoned DMs, and determined your campaign's foundation, it's time to tackle a crucial aspect: choosing your setting. This step sets the stage for the entire adventure and helps shape the experiences your players will have. Whether you're partial to high fantasy realms, futuristic space exploration, thrilling Victorian mysteries, or even modern-day high school escapades, the choice is yours. You can either dive into a pre-built setting like Faerun, Mystara, or Eberron, or craft your own unique world. Just make sure it's a realm that resonates with you, as you'll be spending countless hours shaping its details and bringing it to life.

5. Weaving the Tapestry: Crafting Your Story (Loosely). Ah, the story! The heart and soul of your campaign. While it's tempting to plan every twist, turn, and revelation in meticulous detail, remember that D&D is a collaborative game. Your players are integral to the story's fabric, and their choices will shape the narrative. So, as you embark on your storytelling odyssey, create a loose framework. Define the central conflict, the driving force behind your campaign. It could be a raging war, a kingdom in dire straits, an ancient evil stirring, or perhaps an impending catastrophe that threatens all existence. Develop main factions, flesh out NPCs, and, of course, introduce a compelling Big Bad Evil Guy (BBEG) who will keep your players on their toes. But here's the secret: leave room for improvisation and player agency. Let the story evolve organically, influenced by the actions and decisions of your adventurers. Trust me; it'll make for an unforgettable journey.

(Pro tip: If you’re having trouble coming up with a central conflict, I recently heard some of the best advice I’ve ever heard for coming up with this on the fly, and it came from Aabria Iyengar in the Worlds Beyond Number aftershow, she said, “What is the lie this world believes?” Answer this and you’ll have the perfect central conflict to begin your campaign.)

6. Collaboration is Key: Players are Co-Creators. Don't fall into the trap of shouldering the entire creative burden. Remember, D&D is a collaborative game, and your players have unique imaginations and ideas to contribute. As DM it is your job to create an intriguing premise and world for your players to play in, sure. But, it is also your job to leave enough open that the players can carve out their own parts. Encourage them to participate actively in shaping the world and the story. Ask them questions about their characters' backstories and motivations. Give them opportunities to influence the lore and provide input on various aspects of the campaign. By embracing their contributions, you'll not only lighten your own load but also make your players feel more invested in the world you're crafting together.

If you want to tell a specific story in the way that you want to tell it, then go and write a novel. This is not the place to tell your story, this is a place for you to craft a story with a group, that is where the true magic lies, the unexpected journey that all of you are going to go on together. 

7. Embrace the DM's Paradox: You Can't Know it All. Let's face it: no matter how much you read, study, or obsess over the rules, you won't be a walking encyclopedia of Dungeons & Dragons knowledge. And that’s alright. You’re never going to remember every rule, you’ll forget even the most basic ones probably more than once. Ask my players how many times they’ve cast detect magic and I’ve had to scramble attempting to know what school of magic they are experiencing, and then being unable to remember all the schools of magic, and then finally adding a little helpful picture to my DM screen so I can’t forget. You can’t beat yourself up when you forget a rule or detail. Instead, embrace the DM's paradox: you're the ultimate authority at the table, but you're also human. Accept that you might need to consult online resources like or even the rulebooks mid-session. Your players will understand, and it can even create a sense of camaraderie as you all navigate the game's intricacies together.

8. The Art of Improvisation: Your DM Superpower. As a DM, you'll encounter situations you never anticipated. That's when your superpower comes into play: improvisation. When faced with the unexpected, take a deep breath, think on your feet, and let your creativity flow. Don’t know how tall the building is? Roll a D4+2. How many people are in this tavern that you hadn’t planned on your players entering but they asked if there would be a tavern in town and you said, “Yeah, of course, there is, and it’s called The Tipsy Turtle.” And they go into this place that didn’t exist thirty seconds ago. Roll a d10, there are that many people in here drinking. Embrace the chaos and turn it into memorable moments for your players. Remember, the beauty of D&D lies in its unpredictability, so embrace the twists and turns that come your way.

9. Roll the Dice: Let Fate Decide. D&D is a game of chance, and the dice are an essential part of that equation. The dice are our friends. Use them, and use them often. Embrace the randomness. Instead of shutting down your players' audacious ideas, set high Difficulty Classes (DCs) and see if the dice smile upon them. This adds excitement, unpredictability, and a sense of accomplishment when they succeed against the odds. And, you’re ready to improvise, right? Of course, as the DM, you have the power to fudge rolls behind the screen for narrative purposes but use that sparingly to maintain the integrity of the game. If you use them well, the dice can truly be a powerful ally. 

10. The Power of Fun: Enjoy the Journey. Above all else, remember that D&D is a game meant to be enjoyed by all. You’re creating a new world with some friends, building a story that has never been told before, that’s amazing, and exciting, and should remain so. Embrace the laughter, the epic moments, and even the occasional blunders. Let the joy of storytelling and camaraderie permeate your sessions. Celebrate the victories and learn from the defeats. As the DM, your attitude and energy set the tone for the entire table, so be the beacon of enthusiasm that draws everyone into this fantastical world.

Now, dear New DM, armed with these tips and a burning passion for adventure, go forth and weave tales that will echo through the ages. Embrace the chaos, learn from each session, and watch as your players' imaginations ignite.

May your campaigns be epic, your dice rolls be lucky, and your memories be cherished for a lifetime. Happy DMing!